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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Celebrating Small Change Fund

 So Fine Canada changing format to celebrate

Beginning Sunday June 12, 2011, So Fine Canada will change its format to include a segment highlighting the “Seven Small Wonders of Canada” campaign created by smallchangefund. Staff and video presenter Sarah Hawkins will provide project highlights of the Canada-wide campaign which showcases 7 of the top projects being honoured for their work in community with youth, First Nations, the environment, social justice and cultural diversity.

‘There’s an enormous amount of talent in these communities.” said Dani LaGiglia, Program Director. “The projects highlight issues that need to be solved. They need a small amount of money to do so and is showcasing these great projects to make that happen.” was created only 18 months ago by founders Ruth Richardson and Mary McGrath. This award-winning, online promotion and giving tool has helped many small, unknown projects get off the ground in Canada. The fund was created to support community action and development and is now showcasing some of this year’s top projects and their community issues.

Go online to every Sunday to hear the “Seven Small Wonders of Canada” campaign as project intern Sarah Hawkins traverses the Canadian landscape to bring insight and acknowledgment of each project’s strength and deep commitment to community problem-solving.

So Fine Canada airs Sundays at 1 pm (est) and 10 am (pacific). It is the ‘Hear, See, Click’ information portal for social finance in the country. Go online to and listen in by using the onscreen media player. Listeners are encouraged to call in and ask questions.


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