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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Guide to Social Finance in Canada

    Brand new: A Guide to Social Finance - yahoo!

How long have we waited for this? I am thrilled that Social Innovation Generation (national) and and a whole bunch of other leaders in the field have created a 'Guide' to social finance. Covering a lot of the topics and leaving room to add, this is going to be the place for people to access what they need.

In a conversation with Joanna Reynolds, coordinator on the effort, she mentioned that they've designed it for 3 speeds: you can grab some info in 1 min, take a look around in 3 and do a deep dive, and maybe never leave at around 5 min. Love, love this set-up. For all the times that I've just wanted a definition, it could take me an hour to find a sentence. Now it will only be a minute. For someone wanting to get familiar with a concept, how about 3 min to get the gist? And finally, if you're really into this stuff and maybe carry it around on your Sony e-Reader (I won't mention any names), you'll be able to go directly to what you need and assimilate it quickly and start off down the path of wherever you were heading. Fantastic stuff!

This Wed. May 25th, there will be a live webinar for anyone wanting to learn more about the Guide. You can register at Guide to Social Finance. How cool it that ?!?


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