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Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Advisory Council on Social Enterprise for BC

New Advisory Council on Social Enterprise for BC
Social finance in Canada is developing at a great rate and BC has definitely carved out its space in creating exciting innovations. Leaders in the field like Al Etmanski and Stacey Corriveau have been providing British Columbians and Canadians with exciting, thoughful alternatives to standard business and standard non-profit practises for years. David LePage at enp has encouraged a number of non-profits into the sphere of social finance. And Joel Solomon and Carol Newell have been providing the financial backing (and the advice!) to get great ideas moving toward fruition. This is just a short, short list of all those people working towards creating the new. It makes for an exciting time and now, with the BC government establishing an Advisory Council on Social Enterprise, even more can be done.

I've been in a room with several hundred people working on social finance. The energy is amazing and the feelings so positive that it's hard to return to one's regular work. I wish every SME and new start-up had such an amazing community to draw upon. Maybe someday soon.


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