It's a BIG world; Go Get It !

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Leadership, Mission Possible as Social Enterprise

Mission Possible: Social Enterprise + Innovative Leadership PLUS 
how to get someone to donate a cruise ship

Mission Possible is an extraordinary organization filled with amazing people and I don't just mean the staff. The videos that they show on their website emphasize the many faces of people living in one of Canada's toughest neighbourhoods, Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. It's tough because the poverty, addiction and mental health issues blanket the community and cause most of us to give up hope. But when you watch the videos, you'll change your mind and addressing your prejudices about the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver won't be the only thing you'll learn either.

Mission Possible put together a Lunch & Learn meeting this week - on a cruise ship no less. As I stood there on a Hollland America Lines ship (I've never been on a cruise ship before), I thought 'How does a non-profit get someone to donate them a cruise ship?' With Brian Postlewait and the Board members of Mission Possible at work, anything is possible. Cliches aside, how do they accomplish everything that they do?

I apply the word 'extraordinary' to them at every turn. Not only did they get a cruise ship donated as a board room but they also got a South Pole explorer to be the keynote speaker - seriously, what can't they do?

I tout Mission Possible as an example of leadership, vision and caring in our fast-paced, constantly changing world of social finance. They run 2 social enterprises to provide meaningful work to people whose lives have lost direction, not meaning and they show value of everyone: their staff, their Board and volunteers, their corporate sponsors and even someone like me, working alongside them in the social finance sector.

Tune in on Sunday June 26th to So Fine Canada to hear what extraordinary sounds like straight from the leaders in our field.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Enp's 15th Anniversary Celebrations

 Enp's 15th Anniversary Celebrations PLUS 7 Small Wonders of Canada Campaign

Enp (Enterprising Non-Profits) turns 15 this month. What an amazing organization with its hand in almost every new social enterprise in BC. This organization has been at the forefront of developing mechanisms for non-profits to create alternative revenue streams for the last 15 years. If you're interested in attending their celebratory event, go online to The event being held at Granville Island in Vancouver is only $10 to attend.

If you have been looking at the 7 Small Wonders of Canada campaign brought to you by, you will notice some extraordinary community projects coming to the attention of Canadians. There were 60 submissions for 7 spots and the projects which were selected cover some amazing issues in a number of communities in Canada. The projects themselves cover local community problems dealing with some aspect of issues for youth, the environment, First Nations and cultural diversity. It's an amazing campaign deserving of everyone's attention. Check them out at Small Change Fund.

Video care of Sarah Hawkins, Intern

Qqs Projects Society  Bella Bella BC 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Celebrating Small Change Fund

 So Fine Canada changing format to celebrate

Beginning Sunday June 12, 2011, So Fine Canada will change its format to include a segment highlighting the “Seven Small Wonders of Canada” campaign created by smallchangefund. Staff and video presenter Sarah Hawkins will provide project highlights of the Canada-wide campaign which showcases 7 of the top projects being honoured for their work in community with youth, First Nations, the environment, social justice and cultural diversity.

‘There’s an enormous amount of talent in these communities.” said Dani LaGiglia, Program Director. “The projects highlight issues that need to be solved. They need a small amount of money to do so and is showcasing these great projects to make that happen.”


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