Social Finance and Community Housing: What gets in the way?
On Sunday March 6th, So Fine Canada begins its exploration of Community Housing. With the demand so high and the need so great – why isn’t it getting done ? As usual, our solutions will come from our connecting.
Guest Karen Stone, Executive Director of the BC Non-Profit Housing Association has been creating a new partnership with the Columbia Basin Trust to support Basin communities and organizations in taking action on local affordable housing concerns. With a number of issues constraining affordable housing, the new program will link communities and organizations with experienced affordable housing consultants and with other communities or organizations that have relevant experience. The BCNPHA will assist groups and organizations to find housing solutions in response to local needs and this will help people to care, connect, and contribute to their local community’s aim to build affordable housing.
Barbara Bacon, Executive Director of the Housing Foundation of BC will be discussing how this organization has been building, renovating and providing affordable seniors housing in Vancouver for over 50 years. As a foundation with considerable assets, the HFBC owns more than 20 buildings in Vancouver and has been able to consistently action their mission to house people with dignity. While re-purposing the older housing stock, the foundation has been able to secure sites and slowly renovate their buildings reducing displacement of original tenants, while ensuring that affordable suites do come available for seniors. However the demand out paces the supply and support and service needs now create a complex circumstance in which to create new housing.
Bill Rapanos, Trustee with the Dunbar Housing Trust and retired City of Burnaby Planner will discuss zoning and municipal impact in the building process. As housing advocates seek a return to a National Housing Strategy from the federal government, local citizens are also interested in what can be done at the municipal government level. If cities have control over housing, why is it so hard to build?
‘What gets in the way?’ is a focus that more and more community housing groups are discussing. Listen in this Sunday March 6th to learn how to build community through our housing and how to connect with others at work in the sector. And as always, there will be a need to discuss how to make the money to keep it all going.