It's a BIG world; Go Get It !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The State of Social Innovation

The State of the (Social Inno) vation

Felt like I had to borrow that american reference just to emphasize how important the current issue of The Philanthropist is to social innovation. A tome on 'us'; it's the most comprehensive summary of where we are that I've ever read. I keep it on my e-reader, which people may know, is never far from me.

This week on So Fine Canada, I'm going to have the opportunity to speak to the editor, the supporter (big time) and a contributor and then, we'll talk with a fantastic successful social enterprise, the Potluck Cafe. Imagine, everyone and everything (well, it feels that way) regarding social innovation in just 423 pages! Unbelievable (I mentioned that it was a tome).

While it might take you a bit to get through, I suggest you keep it handy. Clear thinking, the most recent issues, points being raised worthy of a lot of discussion and free! Get one! current issue Vol 23 No3

This Sunday , go online to So Fine Canada and listen in for Don Bourgeois, Tim Brodhead and Nora Sobolov plus Heather O'Hara. More interesting than the State of the Nation address any day (my opinion of course).


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