Cell phones are a major tool for the small business owner. Without them, our mobility, financial deal-making and networking abilities go flat. No cell phone = no money so every sme in Canada has to research, pay for and maintain their cell phone just to stay alive AND the big corporations know it.
What's the marketing reference to 'A captive audience' ? Something like, 'You can charge anything you like, because people will have to pay it.' Isn't it interesting how this is exactly what's happening although there is suppose to be a great deal of competition out there and competition supposedly holds prices down?
A National Post article pointed out that "Potential new entrants, including MTS Allstream Inc. and Quebecor Inc., say the existing three players are operating an oligopoly that is keeping prices high and non-voice usage low."
Not only that but they use deceptive and misleading marketing schemes so that a purchaser cannot fully understand what they are choosing or paying for. A recent change to my own plan left me suddenly 'seeing' that I was doubling my cell bill just from listening to my voicemail. But I pay for message center so how could that be? Because what I pay for is for someone to leave a message and then I have to pay again, if I want to hear it. Something like, you pay to get into the funhouse and then a big bruiser of a guy steps out and says that you'll have to pay to get back out. Do you think I understood this when I purchased the additional message center package at an extra $12 per month?
Having voicemail is essential to any business. Talking on the phone is pretty customary too. Exercising my ability to not pay for these things by waiting until 9 pm to check messages is just a non-starter.The cost to my business of not doing business until late at night is ludicrous. A Cell phone hate poll showed 2,774 out of 3,548 people or 78% of respondents are negative about their cell phones. I wonder that it isn't higher.