Participating in the 33rd Annual 3 Day Novel Competition
I wasn't one of the winners of the 33rd International 3 Day Novel Competition but I certainly did succeed. An experience like that reminds me that we often equate succeeding with winning; neglecting the effort, the improvement and the sheer will to achieve.I got my certificate the other day, months after staying up and typing for 3 days on end, formalizing the plot, arranging interesting points about the character, throwing in some humour to what was not a funny life situation and the experience of creating was almost forgotten. This certificate reminded me that I had done something on that last September long weekend, something I had not achieved before, something my children were proud of me for attempting, something which had no bearing on my professional life (unusual for me) but a something that did have value.
You will not be reading my novel, completed in just 3 short days but you will have a chance to read the winner's Jennifer K. Chung whom I congratulate whole-heartily, not just for completing the task of writing her novel in 3 short days, but for doing it with such quality and skill as to become this year's winner. She is the envy of thousands of us who also tried and achieved but for ourselves, not so much the world.
I am looking forward to reading Terroryaki in the next year and I suggest, you consider it too. Here's the link to get you interested Winner- 3day novel contest 2011.