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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Social Purpose Real Estate

Social Purpose Real Estate = Social Business + Assets

It was really exciting to have been at the first ever Social Purpose Real Estate conference in Vancouver BC. The many, many innovative and successful social enterprises, foundations, funders and newby's was unbelievable and immeasurably informative. If anyone doubts that business can be done differently to make a profit and have a heart, you need to view these people now.

So here are the fantastic, the un(der)-known and the successful people leading the way towards making business what it should be: good profit = good life (for all people). And I think we'll get a 'good' happy, healthy planet along the way too.

Central City Foundation: a century of investing capital and building community in Vancouver BC
Fraserside Community Services; making a difference in people's lives BC
Nonprofit Centers Network: premiere learning community on nonprofit shared space and services - Canada and the U.S.
Potluck Catering and Cafe: improving the quality of life and economic vitality in the Downtown Eastside
Real Estate Foundation: supporting innovative projects which will stand as examples of responsible and sustainable land use BC
Renewal2: provides opportunities for investors to participate in the development of business at the forefront of social and environmental innovation.
Social creating the spaces that social innovation needs to thrive (Toronto, ON)
Tides Canada: uncommon solutions for the common good
Vancity Community Foundation: in the business of connecting values-driven donors with values-driven work in community.
Urbanspace Property Group: inspiring the integration of commerce, culture and community.


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