It's a BIG world; Go Get It !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Social Enterprise and International Collaboration

Social Enterprise and International Collaboration: Business and Fun

Where else are you going to continually identify fun, collaboration and innovation as 'business' other than in the realm of social finance? This week on So Fine Canada, social enterprise gets its proud review from some great professionals in the field, both at home and abroad. David LePage and Kim Buksa of enp Enterprising Non Profits discuss their experiences and delight in the development of social enterprise in Canada and around the world from Johannesburg to Scotland. Julie McDowell of and its slightly older sibling, represented by Rod Schwartz, discuss their views on Canadian, American and British developments and some trends showing big interest from youth and angel investors in helping social enterprises develop to meet social and business needs. As always, the news, views and everything in between reminds me how great this movement is and if you don't think 'movement' is the right word, consider this list of adjectives which I think does it justice: smart; dynamic; lively; forceful; energetic, vigorous.

Yep, says it all.


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